Friday, April 20, 2012

The First Strum is the Deepest

After browsing looking for the right internet guru to guide me along my journey to rock stardom, I've decided to go with Justin Sandercoe. Today, I learned the D, A, and E chords. I am in the process of practicing 1-minute chord changes before even attempting to play any 3-chord songs. So far I'm still having trouble with switching between the D and A chords. The goal is to make 1 chord change per second, or in other words, 30 changes in 1 minute. So far the best I can do is about 15. I made a little cheat sheet on Paint to help me remember where to place my fingers on the strings. By the way, guitar playing is PAINFUL!

Exhibit A:
Finger dents from the strings
The tips of my fingers were numb for the next few days. Ah well, no pain, no gain.

Oh right, here is my cheat sheet, which I compiled from the images on Justin's website.

1 comment:

  1. U'll get used to the dents :) Reading music takes a while to pick up but before u know it u'll be able to look at the score sheets and ur fingers will just musically take over on their own.
